According to my calendar, it is now November 3rd. Why is the most current governing body offering dated October 2014?
re: jw broadcasting.
dear brothers:.
we are writing to inform you of an exciting initiative that was announced on october 4,.
According to my calendar, it is now November 3rd. Why is the most current governing body offering dated October 2014?
months ago, i commented on another thread about a strategy i was using to introduce my wife to the way cults work--without using the word "cult" and scaring her away.
here's my first comment on that thread:.
i pulled hassan's bite model off the internet and imported it into my word processor.
I would think that once a person see that the manipulations of the Watchtower for what they it would become very hard to keep attending meetings.
Just for kicks I listened in to the meeting the other night, and it was a doozy! Won't go into details, but full of doom and gloom and some major elder power trip stuff.
My wife came home, not as chipper as her usual self.
I said,"I listened in tonight. . ." after which she went into a rant of how horrible it was.
So for now, yes, she is kind of "stuck" but doesn't want me to be stuck with her. She's taking one for the team, so to speak. . . But yeah, it's pretty awful.
(published thursday, oct 30, 2014).
thursday, oct 30, 2014 updated at 11:58 pm pdt.
On one side the JW.Org/FDS/GB revolution and on the other the growing phalanx of victims and their lawyers who just won't shut up and won't go away?
An excellent candidate for the "new" Gog of Magog!
is it ok to spank your kids?
is it ok to discipline them using any force?.
Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol . - Prov 23:13,14
Okay, so that scripture makes it sound like you should beat your child with a stick or rod.
But what it really means is that a child needs loving discipline: "striking" your child isn't really hitting him; and a "rod" isn't really a rod or stick or weapon --- it's what shepherds used to shepherd sheep.
Anyone else remember this "reasoning"?
All bullshit.
(published thursday, oct 30, 2014).
thursday, oct 30, 2014 updated at 11:58 pm pdt.
on oct. 22, eight brothers were released from prison in turkmenistan by presidential amnesty.
(see 2014 yearbook, p. 31) the ninth brother is still imprisoned, but it is hoped that he will be released shortly.
some were already in prison for three or more years and had been severely mistreated.
The 2014 serve-us year was the big push for the Kingdom's 100th year birthday. Do not be surprised to see increases all over the place. More telling will be the figures in years to come.
Yeah, "100 years" has a nice ring to it. . . "102. . . 107. . . 113 years" -- not so much.
i am here for the first time ...but have enjoyed reading others experiences that i feel i can relate too.
i used to be an elder for more than 20 years .
i have successfully faded with my wife and children.
I'm not sure what you can expect, but if you can talk to an individual's real self and not their cult self - talking about family, sports, recreation, hobbies, etc - they are usually quite laid back.
As far as if anyone corners and tries to "interrogate" you, a Big Smile and say "I'm sorry but I'd prefer not to discuss that right now."
months ago, i commented on another thread about a strategy i was using to introduce my wife to the way cults work--without using the word "cult" and scaring her away.
here's my first comment on that thread:.
i pulled hassan's bite model off the internet and imported it into my word processor.
GREGOR - I must be either very slow and/or quite innocent: I only "got" your L/N comment this evening!
months ago, i commented on another thread about a strategy i was using to introduce my wife to the way cults work--without using the word "cult" and scaring her away.
here's my first comment on that thread:.
i pulled hassan's bite model off the internet and imported it into my word processor.
For anyone looking, my "modified" BITE document can be found in the link in the OP.
Sorry for the "shortness" of my response. . . Just got really busy again .. . .
right- we've been thinking about this.. .
it seems that most da letters are: doctrinal, personal, emotional or or major issues such un etc .
and completely understandably so..but.. .
Dear Brothers,
I regret to inform you that I, Breakfast of Champions, no longer wish to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
I could have simply faded into the background and not expressed the reasons for abandoning my faith; but instead, I wish to inform you of three of the main reasons as to why I am leaving:
1) Muff-N-Egg sandwiches were an attempt to disguise a slab of egg-colored latex as a breakfast food by putting it in between two slices of stale English muffin. Dreadful.
2) For my entire life, the urinal in the men's bathroom at the Kingdom Hall has never flushed properly. I always feel that I am peeing into other peoples pee. This is gross.
3) All Bethelites have a weird accent.
I appreciate you brother's efforts in considering the import of this letter and my grievances.
Good Luck,